Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Urban Farmer

Just wanted to do a quick post on Patrick and I's new garden. We were inspired after seeing peaches on our peach tree for the first time:

And going to the home & garden show where we learned that we could grow a garden in our backyard. So being the typical type A person that I am, we set out with a plan. Patrick is learning about my "do-it-now" habbits, and he came up with a diagram of what it was going to look like and an estimation of what we needed. After just two weeks, we have our mixed greens and carrots sprouting. Here's the first look at the garden (yes that's Ranger's butt in the picture- It's hard to keep him out of there right now):

1 comment:

Team Oetgen said...

Is that irrigation tubing I see in the garden? If so, I'm impressed, but not surprised. I was inspired to do build a similar type 'garden' after seeing one in New Mexico last summer, but decided it sounds like a lot of work from start to finish. So, we still buy our greens at the store. Great job Kainers!