Monday, March 23, 2009

The IKEA Adventure

Patrick and I were in the market for a new entertainment center and decided to go through IKEA to see if they had anything that would fit our needs. We walked about 75 feet into the store and found exactly what we needed and so the adventure began. First task was sifting through the crowd on a Sunday afternoon, and second was ensuring that this new 65'' long entertainment center fit into Patrick's car. We got through items one and two just fine, but we knew the most difficult task was ahead. We learned very early in our relationship that we should never attempt to put together IKEA furniture together. Regardless of moods, it always leads to a fight. I always have my set idea on how the furniture should be put together, where Patrick likes to take his time to read the instructions. So this time, I left Patrick with project. He kept complaining that this piece of furniture had more parts than anything else he had ever put together. (please remember that Patrick is an extreme exaggerator) Here was the first thing that Patrick showed me, and I actually started to believe him....

As he was about to take a break, he mentioned that he couldn't believe that he had to put 37 nails in the back of this thing. Sure enough, 37 nails were required:

After a day of hard work, the entertainment center looks great, and I learned not to be so quick to think that Patrick was stretching the truth.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Urban Farmer

Just wanted to do a quick post on Patrick and I's new garden. We were inspired after seeing peaches on our peach tree for the first time:

And going to the home & garden show where we learned that we could grow a garden in our backyard. So being the typical type A person that I am, we set out with a plan. Patrick is learning about my "do-it-now" habbits, and he came up with a diagram of what it was going to look like and an estimation of what we needed. After just two weeks, we have our mixed greens and carrots sprouting. Here's the first look at the garden (yes that's Ranger's butt in the picture- It's hard to keep him out of there right now):

Thursday, March 12, 2009


Apologies for the delay in posting, but we've been busy as I (Kim) work to finish school and Ranger continues to keep us very busy. I did want to post an update on Ranger's most recent mischievous act. When Brinkley, who was adopted by me from Town Lake Animal Shelter in Austin, was adopted, I found that she had a habit of digging in my couch. Yes, you read correctly, she dug holes in my (previous) couch, when left unattended. Seems that Ranger has continued the trend in tearing apart furniture....

Exhibit A: (our chair in the office)

Yes the culprit (Ranger-shown below) was caught red handed digging and ripping through the seat portion of our chair, and he was having a blast doing it. After he got in trouble with Patrick, you would have thought Ranger's world had ended. He would not even get close to Patrick that evening. Needless to say, after one evening he is back to his normal self of viciously barking and terrorizing the neighborhood, but I do think we can officially say our dogs have a furniture fetish.