Ever notice how exhausted you are after Thanksgiving? This year was no different, but this time even our dog Brinkley was pretty pathetic. We decided that it would be a good social experience to take her on Austin's 5 mile Turkey Trot. After seeing how beat she was after the Turkey Trot, I realized how out of shape our poor little black and white dog is. Here's a snap shot of her during the Texas A&M/t.u. game Thanksgiving night, and as you can see she was not a party animal that evening.
On Thanksgiving Day Patrick & I decided to check out all the Black Friday ads, and plotted our course for Friday morning. Neither of us had really gotten out on Black Friday, but we decided that the prices were worth the trouble of the crowded stores and drivers that don't pay attention. We also decided that we would not be starting at 5AM, but if it was in the cards everything would still be there at 8AM.
Our first stop was Home Depot, for my parents Christmas present, and we were surprised and energized that Home Depot was not crowded at all. So we headed to our second stop Sears, which was a different story. Sears was crowded with people just like us, looking for just two specific items and doing what it took to make that purchase at a 50% discount ( aggressive shopping at its finest). We made it out alive, but not without having to unpack our Christmas present to ourselves in the loading area in order to fit in Patrick's Fusion. We made a couple of other stops, that will remain nameless to protect the privacy of family's Christmas presents, but our final stop was Target. When we arrived people were acting like wolves at the $5 DVD display, but that was one thing on our list. So Patrick started looking for the DVD's that he wanted, and I did the same. The only issue was that we couldn't find Happy Feet, but just as Patrick yelled across the 12ft long display, a Target employee came we a basket full of DVD's. As instinct would have it all the women swarmed around this poor lady, including me. Sure enough there was one Happy Feet DVD in her basket, and I was able to grab it before everyone else. After everything was purchase, Patrick and I started to talk about how much money we had dropped in less than 3 hours and decided that it was time to head home. We had a car full, even after dropping one load at the house earlier that morning. I will have to say Black Friday shopping is a lot of fun, but I still don't think it's worth waking up at 4 AM for those "door buster" sales.