We are totally bad bloggers, but we've had a lot going on between April and June. The last three months I traveled to Dallas every week Monday-Thursday for work, so getting home in order truly took up all the free time on the weekends. I got a new job at Dell that will keep me in Austin, so I promise to be much better at blogging. So here's a recap of things that have been going on:
- My parent's are moving to AUSTIN!!! We are so excited, and I can finally tell everyone. This has been in the works since January, but we had to keep our lips sealed because my mom hadn't told her office. Now, the secret is out, and we can tell everyone. They're building a house 9 miles from us, and dad's getting a 5 car garage. I'll be sure to post pictures once it's complete.
- Early in May,
we celebrated Patrick's 34th birthday with two weekends of baseball. The first weekend, I surprised him with tickets to an Astro's game, and the second weekend we hung out with our friends at the Round Rock Express game. Patrick's still disappointed that the Express is now affiliated with the Rangers, and I had to talk him out of wearing an Astro's shirt the the game.
- We're getting ready to welcome Jenny & Luc's little boy this month, so there were a couple of showers to get her ready for being a mom.
- Memorial Day weekend we spent between Houston and Austin. We were able to visit with Patrick's family, see Jenny and Luc's new house, and then came back to Austin to see my folks (who were scouting out the house to ensure everything was being done just right)
- This past weekend, we celebrated the wedding of Patrick's old roommate Larissa. It was such
a great weekend, and really enjoyed catching up with all of her friends that are scattered across the US. We started off the weekend with a dinner cruise for the rehearsal dinner. Neither of us had ever been on the Lady Bird Lake dinner cruise, but it was such a treat to be able to see the bats
fly out to feast from the boat. Those streaks you see in the sky are millions of bats. For those of you who haven't seen these guys in Austin it's a must do! I really think that watching them from the boat is absolutely the way to go. The wedding was on Saturday downtown, and we had a great time. Here are some of my favorite pictures from the day.
That officially catches you up on what we've been up to over the past two months.
June is going to be full of fun in the sun, so stayed tuned for more adventures from us!
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