This weekend Patrick's mom Ritsy was in town, so we decided to venture to the Round Rock outlet mall. The outlet mall has a discount pet store, and on this occasion the whole store was 50% off (yippee!). We spent 30 minutes picking out treats and new dog beds for our two dogs and Ritsy's dog, Gracie. We ventured home after the shopping excursion, but was in too much of a hurry to get to the next activity that we didn't immediately give the dogs any of the treats that we bought.
After returning from dinner and the American Voices concert, we went to let the dogs in, and I gave each of the dogs a Greenie. I had bought Greenies for Brinkley in the past, so didn't think much of giving the dogs this treat. Plus the dogs were going nuts over what was in the bag from the pet store. Each dog went to their respective corners or under the bed to enjoy their treat, and Gracie was the first to complete her treat, Brinkley came in a close second, and Ranger (being new to the Greenie) came in dead last. About 5 minutes later, we noticed that Gracie had developed what looked like lar spaghetti-o's all over her body, and we couldn't figure out what was going on. We called the Emergency Vet Clinic, and they told us that these we just hives and to give Gracie a Benadryl. We kept an eye on Gracie, and about 10 minutes later Patrick walked over to Ranger who was hiding under the couch pillow. Patrick noticed that Ranger was developing large bumps around his eyes, and as we kept watching poor Ranger's whole face swell. We gave him a Benadryl, and he didn't even want to be around us (which was out of the norm for him). We felt so bad and stayed up to 2AM with him making sure his breathing wasn't constrained, and thankfully it wasn't. Sunday morning was better, but he's still not back to normal. Here's a couple of shots with how bad his little face looked:
Regular Ranger:
First noticed:
1 comment:
Oh no! Hope Ranger recovers quickly. Poison Greenies?
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