When I returned, I started a new job at Dell, still in finance just a different role. I'm really excited about this role because it doesn't involved any travel. So far it's going well, and hoping to just continue to grow and learn. Soon after we returned, Patrick heard that there would be layoffs at the agency he works at as a result of the budget cuts, but we were blessed to have Patrick keep his job. Unfortunately his supervisor's position was eliminated, so there was a shift in leadership at his office. One thing that I've learned is that people at the state don't like change, where people at Dell thrive on change.
Two babies were born: We added another nephew to the mix, so now the count is 3 boys and 5 girls. Mr. Jeremy is calm, collected, and just chill, and with Sean as a brother that is a requirement. This picture isn't a true representation of being calm and collected:
Patrick's sister, Kimmi, came into Austin with her kiddos for a weekend.

Early in July, my parents closed on their house in Austin, and just moved here last week. We are super excited to have them 15minutes away from us, and we just love their new place.

The same week that my parents moved to Austin, I was in a my good friend Lyra's wedding here in Austin. We hosted the bridal luncheon at our house, and had such a good time hosting Lyra and her family on her big day. I'm so excited for Lyra and Greg! Here's a sneak peek at the wedding: http://www.inkdfingers.blogspot.com/